Mash Filter Grains has a distinctive fresh aroma and a golden brown colour. It has a finer texture than traditional Brewers grains, as the malted barley is ground rather than left whole prior to the brewing process, which also leads to a higher dry matter product. When fed on its own in a trough, stock find Mash Filter Grains a little less easy to consume than traditional Brewers grains, so should be given the opportunity to acclimatise to its physical nature. The best feeding method is to include in a mixture usually in a total mixed ration.
Nutritional Attributes
Mash Filter Grains is nutritionally similar to Brewers grains, but slightly higher in dry matter and energy. It has a different appearance due to the malted barley being ground rather than left whole prior to the brewing process. This results in a product slightly higher in dry matter. Mash Filter Grains also undergoes more heat treatment during production than traditional Brewers grains, giving a higher level of quality by-pass protein (DUP) and available energy.
Storage and Handling
Mash Filter Grains should be left to cool for 24 hours prior to sheeting. This allows time for heat to dissipate, thus reducing potential for spoilage. Mash Filter Grains is denser than traditional Brewers grains, so a similar tonnage will fit into a smaller volume. As with traditional Brewers grains, Mash Filter Grains should be ensiled in anaerobic conditions.