Microbalace Detox minimises the effects of Mycotoxins and supports the natural defense systems. Microbalance Detox can help maintain dry matter intake and milk production. Microbalance Detox is used to limit the uptake of mycotoxins by the cow in contaminated forage. This product acts like a 'chemical sponge' and absorbs mycotoxins preventing uptake and distribution to target organs. The product contains a wide range of highly effective mycotoxin absorbents which reduce the risk of mycotoxicosis and reduced animal performance.
Nutritional Attributes
Microbalance Detox is a combination of specially selected biologically active ingredients which bind, transform and degrade mycotoxins that cows are most susceptible.
Storage and Handling
Packed product should be stored in a dry place around 20°C under GMP + FSA conditions and protected against direct sunlight.