Society demands sustainable and affordable food. Making optimal use of co-products is the way to less waste and it contributes to a smaller CO2 footprint of food. Through years of experience, we actively contribute to welfare concepts and initiatives that make food sustainable for consumers.
As part of ForFarmers, CirQlar is committed to a healthy and strong farming business: we supply feed and co-products at competitive prices to over 26,000 livestock farmers in Europe from around 30 production sites. We support our farmers with data, tools and advice. Together with them, suppliers and processors in the chain, we strive for the lowest possible environmental impact. Therefore, we calculate the CO2 emissions of the main feed ingredients. To do so, we use the FAO definition and categorisation. Together, we unleash the power of co-products!
Would you like to know more about what CirQlar can do for you? Then get in touch with the CirQlar team. They will be happy to tell you more about it.